Dancing Timber: Macrame Art & Stories

Stories and Whimsical, Colorful, Unique Boho Macrame Art by Kim Krause Berg

Whether I’m weaving stories or macrame wall hangings and decor, I have my own unique point of view. Maybe it will resonate with you?


I am a lifelong writer. Words are a form of energy. Writing words into sentences that make us feel something is art. Weaving takes a different path to tell a story. All the colors come to dance together when the weaver begins.

Macrame Art

When I weave rope, I usually just listen to what Spirit wants to create. It’s a beautiful gift. I also allow my spirit to listen to you. I create custom macrame art that helps bring your own spirit to life.

About Me

I work in the field of digital accessibility for people with disabilities and macrame as a hobby. Dancing Timber is my creative outlet.

Macrame Gallery Showcase

Reflect and Feel Connected with Art

Browse my gallery of macrame wall art, lamps, and shelves. If you are local (Pennsylvania), I’d be happy to take your custom order. Sorry, local pickup only. Shipping not available.

Walk through the tapestry of my mind.


  • The Unbroken Cord

    There are two cords that exist between a mother and a baby she delivers. One provides nourishment during its time inside the womb. The other is the silent, invisible supporter cord that is attached for life. Motherhood is a sacred role. I think it is like how we are each attached to God, the Creator…

  • When I Was a Webmistress

    When I Was a Webmistress

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    Our Victories Never End

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  • Defeat is Another Opportunity To Practice Being Prepared

    Defeat is Another Opportunity To Practice Being Prepared

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  • Having A Purpose

    Having A Purpose

    I had a creative writing professor in college who had one rule for our class assignments. I have tried to abide by it but honestly, it is a tough one. He stood at the head of the classroom, gazing out at our young faces and said, “Absolutely never, ever start any story with ‘I was…

  • The Inspirational Bohemian Woman I’ll Never Know, Beatrice Wood

    The Inspirational Bohemian Woman I’ll Never Know, Beatrice Wood

    From the first chapter, I was transported backwards by 100 years to find a woman with the spunk and courage to show me how to live today. I don’t recall where I got the nudge to purchase Beatrice Wood’s autobiography, “I Shock Myself”, but once starting to read the book, I feel unfortunate I will…

About Kim

The Short Version

In 1995 I built my first website. It had a gray background and these things called nested table cells.

I launched a global community for web designers and search engine marketers in 1998. It ran for 20 years.

At first, I called myself Dancing Thunder. It was the perfect name for me. Later I named one of my websites “Cre8pc“. It means “create peace”. I kept that one.